NESBOO Visitor & Security Management

NESBOO / VM is a visitor management and room booking system solution with security tracking options. NESBOO / VM allows the receptionist to either produce paper visitor passes, ID cards or BLE cards and to capture the visitor in the building in real time.

NESBOO / VMs is an integrated visitor, room management and visitor tracking solution. For example, BLE Badge templates are fully personalized and recorded in real time in the building. The NESBOO Room Booking System also makes it possible to identify available rooms, confirm room bookings and select FM resources as needed.

An e-mail is then sent directly to the responsible person. Outlook and MS Exchange options are integrated on a project-specific basis. Geofencing and Secuity Level Access processes can be integrated into NESBOO 4.1.

NESBOO supports u.a. the following facility management processes:

- Visitor term approval and rejections
- Pre-registration of groups and individuals
- Email alerts permits and disapprovals
- Dates and expected visitors
- MS Exchange Integration
- Business Analytics Report

- Self registration via touch screen kiosk
- Standard visitor cancellation
- Business card scanning
- Visitor tracking with BLE

- Blacklisting of visitors
- Visitor photo shoot
- Visitor signature capture
- Registration and ID scanning
- BLE, QR, RFID badges

- Access control system integration with BLE tracking
- Geofencing, Building Fencing & Security Area Options